Share Marketers have an opportunity to turn this online interest into offline sales by showing up early when shoppers are deciding what and how to buy. By being industry list present on Search, brands also put themselves in a better position to be top of mind when shoppers are ready to make a purchase. Offer Pakistani shoppers more than just promotions Showcasing the lowest price is rarely the best way to win over undecided Pakistani shoppers — they only spend about 2% of their time bargain hunting before making a purchase.5 More than half of the purchases in our research industry list were made when shoppers were focused.
On staying loyal to their favorite brands or doing enough research to weigh all their options.6When Pakistani consumers are feeling especially brand loyal, they dig deeper into two to three brands and aren’t easily swayed by competitors.7 But when they’re more industry list willing to do heavy research, product quality, accessibility, and popularity are what matters most.8 And as they explore reviews, warranties, celebrity endorsements, and in-store availability, they’re more likely to be open to discovering new brands and products.9As Pakistan industry listi shoppers explore reviews, warranties, celebrity endorsements, and in-store availability, they’re more likely to be open to discovering new brands and products. Being helpful in these.
Moments is when brands have the best opportunity to win open-minded shoppers. Given that more than half of Pakistani YouTube users say they’ve seen industry list ads that help them decide which product or brands to buy, brands can experiment with tailored video creative to engage undecided shoppers. And as Pakistanis use Search and online video to consider their options, marketers can develop cross-channel campaigns to show up where shoppers like to spend their time. Spark offline visits with online experiences As more Pakistanis go online, digital’s impact on their paths to purchase will only keep growing. Reaching them in key moments of discovery and research comes down to connecting with them where they go to find inspiration and guidance. And by shifting away from industry list assumptions and leaning into data-driven insights instead, you can thrive in one of the fastest-growing economies in the world.