It is executed correctly. You can certainly create unique, locally themed pages for particular keywords, and in many cases you should. But that is rarely enough on its Photo Background Removing own today. Search engines look for a variety of local content on your website - not just a city name, and not just on a single page. This means incorporating it into new posts and pages whenever possible. This could include the statement: State, city and county name Local addresses or street names Local phone numbers Local Events and Attractions Local media (TV and radio programs) Prominent local figures (politicians, community and business leaders, media personalities, etc.) Advertising Continue reading below Ideally, you should even dedicate entire pages to local events and attractions, television and radio programs, and prominent local personalities when they are legitimately Photo Background Removing relevant to your business. When you mention something of local interest, be sure to link to another relevant local-themed page or post on your website.
Three to five of these links in a piece of content would generally be appropriate. Share customer success stories This is a topic that none of your competitors can write about because it is specifically about how you have helped your customers: no one else can Photo Background Removing write about it. Some added benefits are that the keywords you will target here (business and personal customer names) generally face minimal competition, and the type of content you produce to target those keywords will demonstrate your value while giving you the ability to get in front of people looking for your customers. This is an audience that you wouldn't normally reach, but Photo Background Removing could be ideal prospects. Advertising Continue reading below Testimonials are an example of this type of content, and you should definitely include them, but it's wise to incorporate longer form content as well. Case studies are perfect for this.
A detailed case study should clearly explain the situation, your client's challenges, what you did for them, and how you solved their problems. This strategy can also be a great way to earn links from industry publications, as it details a documented methodology to Photo Background Removing help clients overcome their challenges. It's important to note that you should always get your client's permission before using them in a case study. Some may not want this information made public and it could destroy your relationship if they were blindsided by it. Mine Photo Background Removing Competitor Websites for Holes I'm not a big fan of head-to-head fights when I don't have to, which is why I like to find my competitors' weaknesses and exploit them. Why invest more time, energy and resources than necessary?